On the Origins of the Esperia Project
The Esperia Project is the encournter of two worlds, a story imaginated by Dominique Poulain (Nimentrix) and illustrated by Maïm Garnier.
You can read his stories on his blog, starting with the tale Esperia (in french). ( He writes in french and sometimes in english, too)
How did I first decide to illustrate this tale?
I had read some pieces. The author also told me several times other pieces of the puzzle, these fragments of the story which I still did not know the links between these worlds together. I was intrigued, I wanted to discover more.
“This story is worth telling”, I thought to myself. Thus was born the desire to create watercolours inspired by this story.
Thus was born the Esperioa Project.
The Esperia Project Watercolours
I work with colours to create emotion.
I make inks and watercolours vibrate in my own way to transport you into Dominique Poulain’s rich and diverse history.
In believe every creator, artist, writer, poet, etc. needs to learn, test and always bring the creative flow to life. Thus, I feel, I explore, I visit with you the journeys and destinies of this history.
I will add the works as I go along.
Feel free to comment, share… You can also contact me.
The project is just beginning; with your support, it could go further… Ready for the trip?
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Visit the writer or Esperia blog.
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